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4 Rail Vinyl Horse Fence

4 Rail Vinyl
Horse Fence

4 Rail Vinyl Horse Fence
by Bufftech SALE $13.99 ft.

4 Rail Horse Fencing – Standard Rail

Looks great and provides a safe environment for the little guys and
the big guys too. 4-Rail is recommended for other livestock such as
cattle or sheep. 54 – 60 high.

Our rails are now 8 ft. ( 96 “) long and the posts are set at 8 ft. on center which means each 8 ft. section has one post, 4 rails and cap included in price per ft. This serves to make the installation easier making a curved fence line or up and down hilly terrain since the rails all terminate at each post.

Complete Package – Everything Included!

The 4 Rail Vinyl Horse Fence by Bufftech offers security, strength, and aesthetic appeal, making it the ideal choice for those looking to protect their livestock, whether it’s horses, cattle, or sheep. This fence stands between 54-60 inches high, providing a safe, secure environment for both large and small animals.

Why Choose the 4 Rail
Vinyl Horse Fence by Bufftech?

  • Versatile and Strong – The 4-rail design provides additional strength, making it suitable for multiple types of livestock. Whether containing horses, cattle, or sheep, this fence offers a secure and reliable solution.
  • Maintenance-Free – Made from high-quality vinyl, this fence requires no painting, staining, or upkeep, ensuring it remains looking great year after year without extra effort.
  • Durable Construction – Designed to withstand harsh weather conditions and heavy impacts, this fence ensures long-lasting security and style for your property.
  • Aesthetic Appeal – The classic white finish enhances the beauty of your ranch, while also providing a modern touch that looks great on any property.