We Make Ordering Your New
Vinyl Fence Easy
To place an order you may choose any one of the options listed below:
NEW! Now you can fax your check for payment!
Order On-Line
Complete your order information on-line and order using your Discover, Visa or Master Card on our Secure Server. (Visit AvinylFence.com to order).

Fax Your Order
Print out our order form, complete it by hand and fax it along with your credit card information to 408-905-2056.

Mail Your Order
Print out our order form, complete it by hand and mail it along with your credit card information or check payable to: A Vinyl Fence Co. 1080 Broadway San Jose, CA 95125

Phone In Your Order
Call and place your order on our toll free number during west coast business hours 8:00 am to 5:00 p.m. 800-431-4720

E-mail Your Order
E-mail us and we’ll call you to take your order at a time that is convenient for you. Click here to E-MAIL US.

Still Not Sure?
Give us a call and we’ll help!
If you are confused about how many posts or which type of vinyl fence you need, just fax us your best guess along with your layout with dimensions and we will check it for you.